Outreach & Evangelism

Observing The Great Commission

What it means to us...

We take the great commission very seriously. We believe that it was Jesus' desire to spread the gospel message of Gods love to those around us. That the very instructions He gave His disciples 2000 years ago, is still our instructions today. Its an honor to us, to share in the spreading of God's love, and the simple message of good news the comes through Jesus. Over the years, we've been blessed to have been a part of numerous outreach events here in our community. From our Friday morning Coffee & Donut Ministry, to our Kitten Therapy at Wilsonville's Fun-In-The-Park, we've loved every minute of getting to know our community better and trying to be there when you needed us. 

Currenty at valley we are offering:

The Joy of Painting

With Judy Stubb

Community Prayer Garden

With Jim & Janet Fitch

© Copyright Valley Christian Church